Tag: Employee
Hiring Process – 5 Steps
Just like a manufacturing assembly line, the human resources department uses a process to find potential candidates, recruit qualified applicants, interview, hire and train the best person for the respected position.
I-9 Compliance
To ensure that only individuals that are legally allowed to work get to work, the federal government mandates completing a Form I-9 for every new hire. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) requires employers to verify that the potential hire is allowed to work in the United States.
Mission Statement
A mission statement is a written document identifying the businesses’ primary reason for existence. It should convey the core values and the principles of the company. It should be reviewed with staff frequently to remind everyone of the chief goals of the company.
Booth Rental – Legal and IRS Compliance
A long standing custom in the hair salon industry is owners of salons leasing out booths to hair stylists. If not properly documented and exercised appropriately, the owner opens the door for many legal issues. Booth rental has both legal and IRS compliance issues that need to be addressed. Booth rental is legal in many states but…