Tag: Salon Industry
Retaining Stylists In The Salon Industry
The constant movement of stylists from one salon to another is actually bad business. How do you, as the owner, prevent or minimize this employee turnover? The answer lies in basic employee desires and needs in comparison to the salon’s needs and priorities.
Team Based Pay in the Hair Salon Industry – A Critique
Team based pay in the hair salon industry is the newest solution for compensating employees and increasing the overall performance of a salon. IT WILL NOT WORK. This article is a critique of this program and provides several reasons why this management style is ineffective for a salon.
Booth Rental – Legal and IRS Compliance
A long standing custom in the hair salon industry is owners of salons leasing out booths to hair stylists. If not properly documented and exercised appropriately, the owner opens the door for many legal issues. Booth rental has both legal and IRS compliance issues that need to be addressed. Booth rental is legal in many states but…